Title:  Someone To Watch Over Me
Author:  Aelora
Rating: R
Genre:  Het/Drama/OC/AU
Series: Yes - Incomplete
Summary:  Clark's cousin moves to town.  Told between alternating viewpoints of Lex and Sinjun.
Title:  Cream Tease
R for smut and innuendo
Genre:  Pre-slash
Summary:  Lex and Clark and some melting ice cream.  Yum!
Title:  The Damned - In For The Kill
Author:  Aelora
Rating: R
Genre:  Het/Drama
Series: 1/?
Summary:  Stand alone stories regarding Lex's past and possible future.
Title:  Playing Tag
Author:  Angel in Red
Rating: R
Genre:  Slash/AU
Series: Possibly
"There's a hell of a good universe next door; let's go."
Title:  Thread of Failure
Author:  Kate
Rating: PG-13
Genre:  Het/Drama/OC/AU
Series: 1/?
A hard lesson for anyone to learn: you can't save everyone.
Title:  Saved
Author:  Aelora
Rating: PG-13
Genre:  Pre-Slash/AU
Series: Possibly
Summary:  Can Clark save Lex again?  Or is he already too late?
Title:  Improbable Eden
Author:  Aelora
Rating: R
Genre: Het/AU/OC/Drama/Romance
Series: Yes - Incomplete
Summary: Revamp of Someone to Watch Over Me, new OC, told from 3rd POV.
Title:  Pieces
Author: Edie
Rating: NC-17
Genre:  Slash/First Time/Angst/Drama
Series: No
Summary: Clark decides being alone is better than lying.




Most of the stories are inspired either on Michael Rosenbaum  himself or characters he has portrayed.  All rights and ownership of those characters are acknowledged by MRFF. 
This site is not officially associated with Mr. Rosenbaum nor his management.  No infringement intended.