Title: Someone To Watch Over Me
Author: Aelora
Rating: R
Genre: Het/Drama/OC/AU
Series: Yes - Incomplete
Summary: Clark's cousin moves to town. Told between alternating
viewpoints of Lex and Sinjun. |
Title: Cream Tease
Author: Elvichar
Rating: R for smut and innuendo
Genre: Pre-slash
Summary: Lex and Clark and some melting ice cream. Yum! |
Title: The Damned - In For The Kill
Author: Aelora
Rating: R
Genre: Het/Drama
Series: 1/?
Summary: Stand alone stories regarding Lex's past and possible future. |
Playing Tag
Author: Angel in Red
Rating: R
Genre: Slash/AU
Series: Possibly
Summary: "There's a hell of a good universe next door; let's go." |
Title: Thread of Failure
Author: Kate
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Het/Drama/OC/AU
Series: 1/?
A hard lesson for anyone
to learn: you can't save everyone.
Title: Saved
Author: Aelora
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Pre-Slash/AU
Series: Possibly
Summary: Can Clark save Lex again? Or is he already too late? |
Title: Improbable Eden
Author: Aelora
Rating: R
Genre: Het/AU/OC/Drama/Romance
Series: Yes - Incomplete
Summary: Revamp of Someone to Watch Over Me, new OC, told from 3rd POV. |
Author: Edie
Rating: NC-17
Genre: Slash/First Time/Angst/Drama
Series: No
Summary: Clark decides being alone is better than lying. |